In the news: Bishop Charles H. Ellis III, of the Greater Grace Temple in Detroit, is reaching out to all auto industry workers this Sunday in the wake of all the bad news surrounding the Big Three and how it will affect residents.
"The future of numerous businesses and thousands of individuals are hanging in the balance as we await the outcome of Congress' decision regarding the aid being sought by the automotive industry," the Bishop said. "It is my firm belief that the religious community should engage its most potent weapon during this most dire hour, and that is Prayer and Consecration."
According to the press release, the service is aimed at all persons employed in the auto industry, from executives to UAW workers to suppliers, and even business people who depend on the industry.
But wait, there's more! During the service, Bishop Ellis will bring a special message entitled "A Hybrid Hope".
Still, I think it's a lost cause, given that God has never been one to "buy domestic", and I'm surprised the Bishop isn't aware of this. It's right there in Acts 1:14 -- the Apostles met in an upstairs room, and then these all continued with one Accord.