Just when you think some people should know better, the news headlines come out. Al Unser Jr., who twice won the Indy 500, was arrested this week on charges of drunk and reckless driving.
It seems that Unser was arrested near his home in Albuquerque (shoulda made a left turn there, Doc) when police caught him drag-racing another car, driving his Chevrolet Suburban at just over 100 mph. His blood alcohol content was twice the legal limit.
When will people learn?
I had a bit of an issue, if you could call it that, with Unser earlier this year. As part of a press launch I was attending, he had been hired by the car company to drive a pace car around a racetrack while we followed in the new models we were assessing. I was riding a lap when my (male) co-driver ran into a slippery curve and went off into the grass. It was nothing serious; just some wheels in the green stuff, and then he got back on and off we went. But afterwards, Unser asked someone who had gone off the track. "The white car," someone said.
Three male colleagues and I were standing beside two white cars, so it could have been any one of us. Unser shook his finger at me and said, "It got away on you, did it?" That's the dinosaur thinking: a driver screwed up, so it had to be the woman.
And now it seems that his dinosaur thinking goes even deeper. Drinking, texting, phoning, eating ... when are we going to realize that the most important thing you can do behind the wheel of a car is drive it?