In the news today: Ontario's Alcohol and Gaming Commission is investigating whether staff at a club might have played a part in a recent crash that killed three young men when the driver put an Audi S4 into a river. Police have stated that alcohol and speed were factors in the crash.
The 20-year-old driver had several traffic charges already on his record. The sole survivor of the crash said that he was praised by his friends for driving the S4 at high speed, and that she reached over and turned up the already-loud stereo when her favorite song came on. According to newspaper reports, the Audi S4 belonged not to the driver, but to the driver's parents.
According to an article in the Toronto Star, the father now says that, "In retrospect, it is obvious I would've wanted the Joe Club to take away the keys or stop serving..." But while he doesn't think closing a bar or restaurant is the solution, according to the story, he does support "zero blood (alcohol) level for new drivers until (age) 21-25, and zero tolerance (for) speeding infractions to age 21. In both those cases I feel the licence should be revoked and every kid will really think before drinking or speeding when driving," he said.
Let's do the math.
The driver was 20 years old.
According to this article, he had so many speeding violations that he was in danger of losing his driver's license.
And yet his father apparently lent his son a 340-horsepower vehicle under circumstances that he now says should have been grounds for revoking the young man's license, with zero tolerance.
I don't get it. I simply don't. I wonder how much money the lawsuit will initially name...