I went to the grocery store today (which further cemented my belief that if you're going to walk around with your forearms draped over the shopping cart, you should have to stay in the "dawdler" aisle, away from those of us who just want to get the job done) and took my own shopping bags.
But I had an idea to take more than just those. I don't use any plastic bags when I'm buying easy-to-manage produce -- why on earth anyone needs to wrap one apple or a bunch of bananas is beyond me -- but I was filling them with items like green beans and Brussels sprouts. And then I'd come home, and transfer them from the store's plastic bag to the Zip-Loc Veggie Bags that I use in my refrigerator.
Which, when you think about it, is really dumb. So today I dropped a few Zip-Locs in my shopping bag, filled them at the store, brought them home and put them directly in the refrigerator. No single-use bag in the garbage, no time wasted transferring food from one bag to another. Hey, you two birds, come see this stone.