I'm staying in a hotel right now. There's a card on my bed which reads, Make a green choice. You have the option to decline housekeeping service for the day. For helping us to conserve natural resources, we are happy to offer you a $5 gift card for use at the restaurant ...
And the other day, I went to a store that had only half its lights on, and the air conditioning on low. We're doing our part to protect the environment, the sign said.
And I said, Bovine feces.
I am sick of companies pulling out the "green" card.
My hotel is not asking me to refuse housekeeping because it will protect the environment. My hotel is asking me to refuse housekeeping because then they won't have to pay a housekeeper to come in and clean my room.
And while the store is saving resources by turning off the lights and air conditioning, what they're really saving is their electricity bill. By shutting off half the lights, they're shutting off half their expenses.
Now, I really don't mind if the store wants to cut its expenses (even though I know the products won't go down in price). And I understand the hotel cutting costs, even if the last thing a housekeeper needs is less money in her pay envelope this week. (I said I understood it - I didn't say I accepted it.)
Just don't bullcrap me, okay? Don't pull out this environmental sob story, when it's all about money. I respect you if you tell me you're trying to cut expenses. Tell me it's all for the good of the planet, and I just know you're lying.