So California has voted, and gay marriage is now illegal. I'm always amazed how far people will go to meddle with matters that have nothing to do with them.
Religious conservatives argue that homosexuality shouldn't be protected, because it's a choice. Hmmm. Hands up, everyone of you straight people who reached puberty, sat down, and said, "Straight or gay? Straight or gay? I've got to pick one ... which one should it be?" And yet, while homosexuality doesn't appear to be a choice, religion is. You can be born into a religious family, and grow up with its symbols and rituals, but ultimately, you choose the religion you follow. And although religion is a choice, it's also legally protected.
Religious conservatives argue that because homosexuals can't procreate, they must recruit. Hmmm. I've had Jehovah's Witnesses and Mormons come to my door asking me to convert, but so far, the Drag Queen Convention has failed to ring my doorbell. Every church in my neighborhood has a sign outside asking me -- as a non-member of that faith -- to come inside and see what it has to offer to me. So far, I've yet to see a similar request outside a gay bar.
Religious conservatives argue that marriage is for procreation, and so gays don't qualify. Hmmm. I got married after I had myself sterilized, and no one said I couldn't. And I've seen people get married when they're in their 60s, 70s, 80s and even 90s. I'm guessing these folks won't be needing any baby showers anytime soon.
Religious conservatives don't want gays to marry because then they won't have exclusive use of the term. It's all about being special, being exclusive, being holier-than-thou. Gay marriage doesn't hurt anything on a straight person except his or her sensibilities. And that's not a good enough reason.
We've had gay marriage here in Canada for a while now, and you know what? Nothing that the hand-wringers predicted ever happened. We didn't get plagues of locusts, we didn't have blood running in the streets (save for that thanks to the gay-bashers who, I'm determined, are more afraid of their own emotions than they are of the gay people they attack), and the sun still rises in the morning and the moon hasn't fallen out of the sky. In fact, very few people even think about it anymore; it's become a non-issue. All that really happened was that a number of bridal shops, bakeries and florists made some extra money, a lot of people got to live their lives as they chose, and Canada proved that human rights mean rights for all humans, no matter whose nose it puts out of joint.