Normally, I don't use this space for politics. But I'm breaking with tradition here, because I'm not happy about what I'm seeing.
Not the election result itself -- I'm definitely not happy about that, and yes, I voted -- but about how those on the other side are handling it.
First off: Yes, he's your president. I don't like it any more than you do, but that's how democracy (or, at least, the electoral college votes) works. If Hillary had won and Trump's supporters were moaning that "she isn't my president," I doubt you'd be sympathetic. He had the higher numbers. He won. Maybe we can change the electoral vote system one day, but until we do, it's winner-take-all and that's what he did.
Secondly: If you have posted, are posting, or are thinking of posting a picture of Melania Trump naked, STOP IT. She is a human being. She was a model in the past and she posed naked when she was: full stop. It doesn't matter if the photos are out there for anyone capable of copying and pasting. They weren't taken so you could use them against her. If someone did this to a student, you'd be all over it. No one deserves to be shamed like this.
Third: Protest if you want, but what the hell is up with burning stuff and breaking windows? Do you honestly think this is going to work in your favor? What would be your response if Hillary had won, and it was Trump supporters out there destroying your town?
I'm not going to say, "Get over it," because that's wrong too. But we have to stiffen up and face reality. He won, it happened, and now we have to deal with it. And we don't do that by acting the way we expected his followers to behave if Hillary had prevailed.
And yes, you could argue that I can say this because I'm white and I'm straight (although not a Christian). But that doesn't matter. We're all in this together. Stick up for the vulnerable, whether it's calling someone on a racist remark, or helping someone who's being belittled or attacked. Don't let anything like that go unchallenged, because that will only encourage more of it.
And for heaven's sake, don't hope he fails. Don't yap on that you hope he fails. Hope that he does one hell of a good job at it, because he's at the helm. If he fails, he doesn't go down alone.