Or two, for that matter. On a business trip to Chengdu, I had some time to look around, and so naturally I found myself a couple of pen stores.
This is a Parker on the left, although I'm not sure of the model (there's no English on the box). It's very thin and light, and the cap says it's from France. It has a very unusual converter with a sliding function, and when you push or pull the slide, the converter works like a syringe. It writes beautifully. I think I paid the equivalent of about $50 for it.
The other pen is a Kaigelu, which is apparently a phonetic translation of kangaroo, and that animal is on the clip. This one was about $10. It also has a converter which, like the Parker, contains a small ball bearing to improve the ink flow. The tip of the nib curves upwards, which I thought was a defect, but all the other pens in the store had it. I suspect it may be some sort of italic nib, because Kaigelu pens that I've seen online have straight nibs. If anyone's able to shed some light on the mystery, let me know!